Search Bar Element

Meet the Search Bar element for Visual Composer. Design your perfect search bar with Elegant Elements! Customize every part of your search form and create a better user experience. 

Search Bar with default settings

Here's how the search bar will look when you insert it with default settings.
You can customize every part of the search bar.

Search Bar with Custom Placeholder Text

Let your users know that they can search or ask them a question with custom placeholder text.

Use awesome icons as search button

Not just the text, but you can also customize the search button with awesome icons.

Search Button with Icon & Text

Make it look even more beautiful by displaying the search button with icon and text.

Search Button Custom Width

You can adjust the search button width according to the text on the button

Search Bar with Left & Right Button Positions

Align the search button according to your requirements. Play with it and produce a great user experience.

Search Bar with Border Radius

Control the search bar border radius and take your search form to next level.

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